How Are These Problems Connected?

A Web of Problems

The Education, Organization, and Oracle Problems are interwoven in a complex web. If our educational systems emphasize compliance and competition, then our organizations are likely to do the same. If we want to build organizations that solve problems, then education must be meaningful and relevant, emphasizing mastery and collaboration. If our organizations are forever competing in small contests rather than collaborating to solve big problems, then that sets a hard limit on what we’ll be able imagine for our educational systems.

Always, organizations are made up of people. When people trust each other, they collaborate. When people trust the information they are getting from systems, they can most effectively learn - and cultivate deeper trust - by contributing.

Andamio provides a set of tools for building educational, organizational, and oracle systems that support people to collaborate in solving big, interconnected problems. Andamio enables groups of people to build high levels of trust at local scales, and when they are ready, to collaborate with a network of high-trust, evolutionary organizations to solve global problems.

“People Positive and Complexity Conscious”

Working in any complex system is challenging because we have to manage our focus among a group of interconnected problems that compete for our attention. As long as we are aware of this complexity and embrace it as reality, this is not a problem. However, when we fail to acknowledge complexity, by attempting, for example, to simplify systems so that they can be applied globally, we lose track of the needs of individual people. This is why centralized, global systems do not work. And that’s why, all around the world, groups of people are working to build new systems.

In Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan shows how “Evolutionary Organizations” are “People Positive and Complexity Conscious”. Along with other organizations in the Open Decentralized Innovation Network (ODIN), the Andamio team is not only building new tools, but also experimenting with organizational structures. Many members of our team have been inspired by the work of Frederic Laloux in Reinventing Organizations, which led the way in defining “Evolutionary” or “Teal” organizations. We are actively engaged in learning more about Sociocracy 3.0, and building bridges from S3 Patterns to the Cardano blockchain.

We have prepared a reading list that will continue to evolve as part of this whitepaper. If you are interested in learning more, experimenting with your own organization, or simply discussing the books on our reading list, follow @Andamio for updates. You can also join the ODIN Discord or the Gimbalabs Discord to get involved in this project.

Local Autonomy and Global Connection

By dispensing with the fallacy of one world for all, we come to the awareness of a greater multiplicity of worlds which are held in common.

James Bridle, Ways of Being

All of us have different experiences, and although we share a planet, we don’t always know what is best for each other. That is why centralized systems do not work. No one can make a plan that works for everyone.

Andamio is focused on building distributed systems, enabling community-level autonomy, and demonstrating new ways of building organizations that are oriented toward local relevance and global problem-solving.

Ready to Learn More?

In the rest of the Whitepaper, we will dive into the details of how Andamio addresses the Education, Organization, and Oracle problems.

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